The Story so Far...

In 2006 John, ex gamekeeper and businessman, became the owner of a small country estate in the Algarve, Portugal. 
The dream he had was to re-create a British sporting estate here in the Algarve.
After renovating the main house for his fiance Nicky and young daughter Jasmine, John set to work creating and clearing old fire breaks and tracks for access, aswell as extra defence during the high risk fire season of the summer months to come.
There are several lakes on the property, some up to 9+ acres in size and the potential for a fresh water fishing venue soon became apparent.  After the land had been cleared to allow for fresh growth and wild life habitat, the focus was on the waters available for fishing carp and large mouth bass.
To open access and fishing stands on old neglected lakes can be seriously heavy work.  Heavy plant was enlisted in May 2011 and after several months phase 1 of the vision was becoming reality.
Now came the infrastructure. Luckily, the fishing bailiff, introduced himself around this time and has worked with John tirelessly ever since to create and place over 25 fishing stands on the first lake of 6.5 acres.
Stocking of fish is on going as is the work.  But, Hideaway Lakes Portugal opened it's gates to the resident population of the Algarve in December 2011.
The response has been fantastic says John. "We are still to approach the European holiday market as I wanted to test the waters so the speak!!"  The natural beauty of this private estate and its superb location, plus climate, make it an excellent venue for exclusive country pursuits, fishing being only one of many to come.  There is a completed fishing lodge on the estate sleeping x 10 and all tackle and bait are available for hire and sale.