If you wish to exchange links then please let us know. This page is for links to businesses, clubs, assocations and trusts, blogs specifically for the sport of fishing:
One of the leading carp and coarse fisheries in the South East of England providing a range of angling venues along with fisheries and environmental consultancy.
Carpinfo.co.uk - are the biggest carp & angling web site in the UK and we welcome you to use this resource to take advantage of the wealth of information they have posted.
Fish4Carp is a great website full of relevant links for Carp lovers
IWantToFish - fishing reviews, photos, and travel advice provided by your online fishing community.
Fisher boy loves to fish and you can see some of his catches from around the world. Fisher boy wants to encourage other children to take up this relaxing sport. He started fishing aged 5 and is only 9 years old now
Leighton Pools: Come and enjoy superb coarse and big carp fishing in beautiful Staffordshire surroundings.
'Carpy Chris' - A one stop shop for Coarse, Carp Leads & Tackle
Grantham AA
Have waters to suit all from specimen hunters to the pleasure anglers
Have waters to suit all from specimen hunters to the pleasure anglers

One of the leading carp and coarse fisheries in the South East of England providing a range of angling venues along with fisheries and environmental consultancy.
Carpinfo.co.uk - are the biggest carp & angling web site in the UK and we welcome you to use this resource to take advantage of the wealth of information they have posted.
Fish4Carp is a great website full of relevant links for Carp lovers
IWantToFish - fishing reviews, photos, and travel advice provided by your online fishing community.
Fisher boy loves to fish and you can see some of his catches from around the world. Fisher boy wants to encourage other children to take up this relaxing sport. He started fishing aged 5 and is only 9 years old now
Leighton Pools: Come and enjoy superb coarse and big carp fishing in beautiful Staffordshire surroundings.
'Carpy Chris' - A one stop shop for Coarse, Carp Leads & Tackle