Monday, 24 September 2012

Fishing Report 23 Sept 2012

Average temps: 28 to 17 degrees at dusk

Interesting week at the fishery.

The Bailiff found time to fish the specimen lake for a few hours this week.  He has observed some very big fish feeding under overhanging features which are still to be cut back to make fishable.   However, he landed a pristine 10.5 lb common carp at approx 2.30pm.  It took 20 mins to land and went off like a steam train.  “These fish are very powerful and extremely fit”, The Bailiff says!!

That's 3 x fish landed and one bumped in 8 hrs of fishing over the last two weeks.  Not too bad for a first attempt and very positive feedback for this soon to be open specimen water!!

On the day ticket lake this week.  we have been mostly ....retrieving lost rods!!  Please do not leave your rod and tackle un-attended at any time.  Please remove your line from the water!!  If you want to stretch your legs or leave your peg.

8 x fish landed on Sunday between 5 anglers and a few broke off.

Ryan and Bradley have returned after a long summer and are catching carp again, which seems to be the main reason that they "live and breathe!!"  Good for them!!

Rain due this week...,marvelous!!!

Tight lines and may the force be with you!!

P.S Don’t forget we have released our new ´Bass Experience´

Monday, 17 September 2012

Bass Fishing with the Bailiff

A guided 3 hr fishing experience from a purpose built bass boat.  Fly or line fishing on our exclusive 9 acre specimen lake with the added bonus of the Bailiff's experience and guidance.


Boat and Bailiff (only) for €20.00


Boat and Bailiff (only) plus hire of Tackle and Bait included for €30.00


Boat and Bailiff (only) plus hire of Tackle and Bait included, plus a Breakfast Buttie and Tea or Coffee on completion for €35.00


Boat and Bailiff (only) plus hire of Tackle and Bait included, plus  lunch or dinner with a drink for €40.00

Available from Each year from: 1st June to end July and 1st October to end December (dates flexible)

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Fishing Report 16 Sept 2012

A very hot and warm week, at the fishery.
John, Allan and the ladies visited on Thursday for an evening sesion.  7 x carp landed between the boys.  The ladies enjoyed the peace and quiet.  Average weight 1lb to 3.5 lbs (fish).
David fished the specimen lake on a 9 am start, Wednesday.  Finished at 3.30pm.  He saw big fish but nothing feeding.
Martin fished on Tuesday from 8am to 2.30pm and caught a good tan!!  But that was all.  Although he is still the best angler we have when it comes to breakfast and a brew!!... Excellent company is taken for granted!!!
Bailiff and fishery dog, fished the specimen lake for the first time on Saturday from 9am to 4.30pm.
A strong common carp was landed within an hour at 9.7 lbs.  To add to the experience, The Bailiff hooked into what he described as a 'big fish'!! master of understatement!!  He broke off after a 15 min battle with only 5lb bottom line.  Bart fished very simply and with the least fuss!!  He is convinced this is the way forward at the lakes!!..
The Bailiff finished his first session on the lake, with a 14 lb mirror carp, landed at approx 2.30pm.
"May the force be with you!!"

Monday, 3 September 2012

Fish School

All prepared and ready to go for another enjoyable day at Fishing School.... All levels of experience welcome,come and have a go!!

Fishing Report 2 Sept 2012

An awful lot of pole fishing going on at the moment!!

Keith Russell landed 20 small fish on an early morning session starting at 7am Tuesday. The Bailiff went in the next day to land 11 in 3 hours, from 10am to 1pm. The friendly rivalry continues when the Bailiff has time!!

hem on a morning half day ticket...Happy Birthday to you!!!!We had French visitors this week, Anna and partner, Sébastien, they landed 7 carp between t
 Ian and Avril popped in on Friday for a 5 hr session.  Delivered beetroot and fruit gums, but sadly only one bass.

Tipi Algarve had a great evening on Saturday. The Bailiff and the fishery dog, kept on top of junior instruction and tuition with a family of four, who seemed to love every minute of Hideaway Lakes!!!

Saturday morning session produced 3 carp average weight 6 lbs.

Tight elastics to you pole anglers!!!

Tightlines to rest of you